Thursday 24 March 2011

A fairly belated second entry...

Ok, so, it took me a month to part with the money. I think it's a sign of the times that a girl can't spend a few hundred quid on something she wants without the anxiety and near crippling feeling of wrong-ness as the sales assistant pokes your card into the machine and asks for your pin number. After all, it's only a small amount, little more that a weeks wage, and it's not like I bought something entirely frivolous like a pair of stupidly high shoes that i'll never wear... 

Can you hear the vague plea for approval in there? Yeah, me too, but bugger it, I love it and I don't care. 

I figure since the budget was announced this week and prices are flying sky-high with no sign of coming down again that I should equip myself with enough stuff to keep me entertained at home when in 6months time I cant afford to leave the house. Which brings me to recent purchase number two; Tomoko Nakamichi's 'Pattern Magic 2', a snip on Amazon at £12.97. I must admit I am more taken with the first book; it seems to me to have more practical applications, but there's still a few bits in the new one i'm looking forward to having a go at.

So the first question I need to ask myself is: where to start?! Do I start again at the beginning, basic bodice, dart manipulation, correct fit... or do I throw myself into something more advanced that i'm likely to get wrong, but will more than likely at least keep my attention through a whole project. I must admit I'm leaning toward the latter option. I guess first things first though, I should tidy my desk, dust off my machine and make room in my London-sized bedroom for my sparkly new purchase. I'm calling her Milly, Milly the mannequin and the box that she came in is almost the same size as me and I'm not entirely sure what to do with it.


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